Discover Budokon in Berlin
Workshop with Winnie & Anja Hamburg & Berlin meet!
Date | Time | Location
13 Jan 2024, 14:00 – 17:00
Yoga at Lobe Block, Böttgerstraße 16, 13357 Berlin, Germany
Link | Infos
Hamburg sets on to visit our Berlin Budokon Family!!!!
Winnie is headed to Berlin to join and share the same passion for Budokon with our Sister Anja Krebs!
Join our sisters on this 3-hour Budokon Workshop, breaking down the most important and signature asanas found in our Budokon Yoga Primary Series.
What we'll be offering and covering during this workshop:
Budokon Yoga Primary Series
Budokon Yoga 'the way of the warrior spirit, is a contemporary blend of hatha yoga, martial arts, animal locomotion, mobility, & meditation. The fluid and powerful movements develop physical and mental focus and precision. This unique and strong practice is ideal for the athletic yogi seeking to tap into their warrior side.
We'll deep dive & break down into the signature asanas and transitions found in the Budokon Yoga Primary Series, such as Cobra Roll, Rolling Vinyasa, Floating Frog variations, Double Block, transitions to Warriors Bridge, combining a strong and circular sequence of yogic asanas, martial arts transitions, and animal locomotion to increase your muscular strength, body control, stability, agility, mobility and we'll cultivate & witness the pure state of Zen Mind.
Finding inner & outer balance.
Budokon Animal Locomotion - Crawling Patterns
Budokon's revolutionary Contralateral Crawling Patterns have been introduced to the movement world as a science of locomotion and the study of homo sapiens' evolution from a quadrupedal to the bipedal gate.
BDK Crawling Patterns focus on the organization of the body, upper and lower trunk in relation to the limbs, sustainability, and longevity of health of the spine as well as improved movement IQ through a contralateral motion for any movement athlete, from BJJ, martial arts, yoga, calisthenics, or mobility practitioners.
The animals represent rebirthing and returning to our natural state of a single mind. A reconnection to the earth. A returning to all fours and to pure playfulness.
During this workshop, you'll be guided through the signature moves found in the Budokon Primary Series as well as other few more...
We will be breaking these poses and transitions down, you'll get tips and tricks on how to adapt each pose to your practice. We'll be finalizing the Workshop with a powerful animalistic sequence.
A little bonus... a recap of all the awareness and muscle activation learned from Budokon Yoga, including the way in which we invert and grow thru the sequence found on our Animal Locomotion.
Get ready to finish this amazing weekend workshop diving into the art of arm balances & inversions. We will bring to understanding, the anatomy, towards the nuance of weight distribution and muscle recruitment to build balance while inverted. We will not only find static shapes in our inversions but also how to move in and out through intelligent movement patterns which promote a more expansive inversion practice.
Finishing up our last day with a delicious Budokon Flow.
This Workshop is for all levels.
We will have breaks in between sections, you may gladly bring something to eat, and
We'll be offering bananas & power shots for you.
To book go to:
Energy Exchange