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Budokon Yoga Basics Workshop  STUDIO
Budokon Yoga Basics Workshop  STUDIO

Budokon Yoga Basics Workshop STUDIO

Ein kraftvolle Tanz zwischen Krieger & Yogi. (DE)

Registration is Closed
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Date | Time | Location

22 Jan 2022, 14:00 – 16:30

TRIBE Yoga Base (Studio Ottensen), Donnerstraße 20, 22763 Hamburg, Deutschland

Link | Infos

Deep Dive into The Way of the Warrior Spirit!

Budokon Yoga 'the way of the warrior spirit'  is a contemporary blend of martial arts and hatha yoga, founded by Cameron Shayne in 2001. The fluid and powerful movements develop physical and mental focus and precision. This unique and strong practice is ideal for the athletic yogi seeking to tap into their warrior side.

We will be breaking down Section 1 - The Awakening & Section 2 - Divided Mind/ Archer Series 

of the Budokon Primary Series. 

We'll deep dive into the special poses and transitions, finalizing them with a powerful sequence.

The Budokon Yoga Primary Series wakes up agility, coordination, body control, as well as strength,  inner and outer balance. 

During this workshop, you'll be guided through signature Budokon moves like :

- Cobra Roll

- Rolling Wave

- Revolved Archer

- Double Block

- Falling Warrior

Previous knowledge of Budokon is helpful but not required. The willingness to challenge yourself are recommended. Learning the basics will help you later on in attending the regular Budokon classes. Even those who already have Budokon Yoga experience are welcome to join in order to further deepen their knowledge.

*The workshop will be held in English. 


2G+ Workshop

In addition to the digital proof of vaccination or proof of recovery , the submission of an official negative test certificate (max. 24 hours old) is required in order to be able to participate in our studio courses. 

If you have already received a booster vaccination, you are exempt from the obligation to test.

Please show up at the studio 10 to 15 minutes before the start of the course and have your vaccination certificate or health record ready + check in with the Luca app or fill out the contact form. We also ask you to observe all other rules of the game for protection, please read our Hygiene Concept which we have summarized for you on our website.

Thank you!

*Special Goodie for all attendees:

 1 free pass to any BDK Class at BUDOKON Hamburg


  • Budokon Yoga Basics Workshop




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