Budokon Yoga Basics Workshop mit Bille
Ein kraftvolle Tanz zwischen Krieger & Yogi. (DE)
Date | Time | Location
11 Apr 2021, 13:30 – 15:30 CEST
Online at TRIBE Yoga Base
Link | Infos
Budokon Yoga is a combination of Hatha Yoga with elements from martial arts, whereby the movements are carried out powerfully and at the same time in a controlled manner. Precision, body control, and mental focus play a crucial role in this practice. The focus is on the flowing transitions from posture to posture and less on the static holding of the individual movements. The aim is to build physical and mental strength in order to create an external and internal balance.
This workshop is suitable for fans of powerful yoga practice and those who want to reach one. In the workshop, Sibille teaches you the basics of Budokon Yoga, so that you can also attend the regular Budokon classes afterward.
*The workshop will be held in German.
However, there may also be an English translation of the main parts to give everyone the chance to participate.
Budokon Yoga Basics Workshop