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Beginners Balance Skills Lab
Beginners Balance Skills Lab

Beginners Balance Skills Lab

Registration is Closed
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Date | Time | Location

19 May 2021, 19:00 – 09 Jun 2021, 20:15


Link | Infos

Our Beginners Balance Skills Lab 4 week Program, is designed for those searching for the fundamentals of for example: 

  • Crow Pose & family 
  • Eka Pada Koundiyasa 1 & 2 
  • 8 Angle Pose & Ninja pose & transitions
  • Flying Pigeon &  Headstand  

With this program, you will build strength, gain self-confidence, and develop foundational arm balancing skills. 

Each class starts with Vinyasa-style warm-up to get the body prepped, which will lead you into a specific arm balance. In order to advance your physical yoga practice, it takes focused training in specific areas of strength, flexibility, and balance. This program gives you the benefits of longer holds, higher repetitions, and more challenging moves that are fun, but also push you into achieving that goal.  

Remember learning these movements, the building of strength and awareness takes time patience, and commitment.  

What's included: 

- Step by step instructional in every class 

- Techniques, alignment, and usage of props 

- PDF Workbook with special daily drills, meditation & journaling 

- Video tutorials to help you with your workbook 

- 1:1 live call for Q&A 

- 1x free class pass each week, to any of our BUDOKON Hamburg Classes 

 What will you gain? 

- Build strength and stability 

- Increase your flexibility and mobility 

- Develop new skills while increasing body awareness 

- Physical & Emotional balance  

Save your the dates:

Wednesday, May   19 

Wednesday, May   26

Wednesday, June  2

Wednesday, June  9 

*If you can't make it to the class, a recording of it will be available the next day.

*If you only wish to attend the class, this is also available at €12 per class- bookings thru our 'Classes' section


The program will take place with a minimum of 5 participants!

Investment €80 


  • Beginners Balance Skills Lab




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