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Arm Balance Workshop Level 2
Arm Balance Workshop Level 2

Arm Balance Workshop Level 2

One level down on the arms!

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Date | Time | Location

06 Apr 2024, 12:30 – 15:00

Hallerstraße 89, Hallerstraße 89, 20149 Hamburg, Deutschland

Link | Infos

Following up on our first Arm Balance Workshop Level 1, we are now ready to level it down a notch into Forearm Balance.  The forearm stand is a great intermediate step between a headstand and a freestandinging handstand, great for strengthening your arms and shoulders while also stretching your neck, chest, abdomen and back. It’s a fun, but challenging pose and this worksop will give you some useful tips and exercises to work on.

This workshop is for all of those who wish to work on their Headstand, Trip Headstand and Pincha Mayurasana. We will go through some warm-up drills and find play time, stepping and walking with calmness and awareness into these upside-down asanas. We will also learn the various entry types as all the variations found on these Forearm Balances. We will cover biomechanics of the pose – which parts of your body need flexibility and which ones require strength.

Arm balances not only help unlock potential in our practice but also feel more confident, help our minds grow and open into what our body offers, brings also in some ways mental calmness. 

Your energy exchange 49€

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