Arm Balance Beginners Workshop
Learn to activate the right muscles, the right bandhas to get your arm balancing act rollin'
Date | Time | Location
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
Link | Infos
This Lab is designed for those who are ready to jump into the basics of arm balancing! Having a strong base and knowing which muscles have to be activated, where to focus your gaze, how to use your breath, and most important learning to fall! We will dive into alignment, also using various props and searching for variations for each and every each of you. During this Lab you will build more strength, gain self-confidence, and work with the foundational arm balancing skills.
Each class starts with a Vinyasa-style warm-up to get the body prepped, which will lead you into a specific arm balance or transition. In order to advance in your physical yoga practice, it takes focused training in specific areas of strength, flexibility, and balance. This program gives you the benefits of longer holds, higher repetitions, and more challenging moves that are fun, but also push you.
What does the Arm Balances Skills Lab include:
- Techniques, alignment, and usage of props
- Workbook with special daily drills, meditation & journaling (for own use)
- 1x free class pass, to one of our BUDOKON Hamburg Classes
What will you gain?
- Build strength and stability
- Increase your flexibility and mobility
- Develop new skills while increasing body awareness
- Physical & Emotional balance
- New balance & transition additions to your own practice
Max 9 participants
Your investment: €40
Beginners Balance Skills Lab
€35.00Sale ended